2022-10-15: A Digital Relocation

voidfox.com has moved. It's been a long time coming. As I've grown more adept at managing systems and even automating a lot of their care and feeding, the box responsible for the website has languished because it was my first server, and piled up so many interconnected services that untangling it seemed to be an impossible task. Really it's taken about a year of randomly going "You know, I want to move X off that box" to get down to just the website, and today that moved as well.

I didn't just move the site, I redesigned it. I threw out the old Python module I grabbed years ago to do static HTML generation and wrote my own. It works a lot better for my rather simplistic use-case. I also redid the theme. I also-also integrated blog generation (it used to be a completely seperate tool). It's all shiny and new and stuff. I'm still experimenting with the colors though.

I had a few onuses to do this...

  1. I wrote that blog post about Der Langrisser, which I plan to link some places to establish my authority on trying to get the patch version bumped on sites like RHDN, and wanted things to look a bit cleaner before I did.
  2. I've set up Owncast and plan to simulcast my streams to a self-hosted box for people boycotting Twitch. I plan to embed the Owncast feed in my site directly, so I wanted to spruce things up.
  3. The box the site used to be on was... very very very old and the toolchains I used to populate it didn't work anymore so I needed to write new ones anyway.

Now for the rough news: my gaming pages are gone at the moment. Since I dropped my old static website toolchain, the way I generated my master database of finished games is gone. I'll have to write a new one. I plan to kick off a miscellany section with that rather than a "gaming page". I'm hoping that'll urge me to treat his space a bit more like the old Geocities stuff where random flights of fancy get pages instead of having to stay on topic and organized. I like a little chaos.

Also, I moved Retro Bravery and it was a rough transition. I actually had to update the entire thing to Python 3 (I know, shame on me for waiting so long) and a completely different method of serving using Waitress and Caddy. It... seems.... fine? I need to kick the tires more.

But we're here. I have one thing to move on the old box and then I can shut it off; end of an era. That thing's been around since 2016.

tags: meta